It's My Birthday! 22 Reasons I Fell in Love With Fashion Photography

Today is my birthday!!!!! In honor of me turning 22 I’ve decided to share with you 22 reasons why I fell in love and am currently in love with fashion photography.

I watched Nigel Barker photograph numerous models on my favorite show as a tween, America’s Next Top Model. 

I grew up reading Seventeen, Teen Vogue and Nylon magazines and loved the cool girl vibe in all of their imagery. Now that Elaine Welteroth is the EIC at Teen Vogue I’m definitely going to start picking the mag back up. Especially since the new September issue features work shot only by women. Reading fashion magazines counts as homework for photographers and who doesn’t love that? 

I love being able to capture moments and combine that with my love of fashion and beauty. 

The wierdest things look beautiful. 



For the longest time I thought that I would be writer and that I would tell my story that way. With photography I can tell a story that can be open to anyone’s interpretation and appeals to more people. Humans were visual creatures way before written language was created and still are. 

Being a fashion photographer has introduced me to so many new people, places and experiences. It’s really helped me to come out of my shell and interact with others from reaching out and finding a new team of makeup artists, hair stylists, wardrobe stylists and models to visiting new locations. 



You never stop learning or wanting to improve. 



It’s a form of art that I can make a living off of. I don’t have to wait until I make it big in the art gallery community to start making my coins. I can start right here in my own town by working with small designers and brands to help them grow as I grow. 

Fashion Week is the fashion photographer’s Christmas. I used to try and stay up to date to see the beautiful clothes. Now I keep up to see who is photographing the runway shows, street style and the designer lookbooks.


It has taught me to market myself and to not be afraid of someone saying no to my work. It’s made me braver. 

Even though I went to school for photography, you don’t have to have a degree to be a fashion photographer. You just have to be willing to learn from others who know more than you, be self-driven and constantly work to get better. 

It’s helped me realize I shouldn’t base my self-esteem off of highly-retouched artistic images. As a young girl I fell into the idea that these women actually looked like this. Once I started learning about Photoshop and how much editing goes into the idealized images, I realized I didn’t need to compare myself because these women don’t look like these images in real life. 


This applies to photography in general but you learn to appreciate the overcast days because they show the best light. 



I wanted to be a model but at 5’2 I’m way too short. Fashion photography allows me to be in the fashion world without having to be a designer or a model. 



It allows for my art to be viewed by millions whether it be in print, online, a giant billboard or even in Times Square. 

From swimwear and boutiques to ready-to-wear and couture, the options are endless for what can be included in fashion photography. 


When I took my first lighting class in college, I loved the controlled environment of the studio. Everything was my choice. It became my home that I would invites others to join sometimes. Everything ran by my rules. I hope to find a new studio soon to call home. 

You learn how be a leader and manage a team. Corralling a crew of hair stylists, makeup artists, models, creative directors, wardrobe stylists, assistants and more is no small feat. 



Getting to transform a great image to a better one through the power of Photoshop, Lightroom and/or Capture One. 

When you’re first starting out you get to play the role of the wardrobe stylist, the lighting technician, the hair and makeup artist and sometimes even the model. You get to try your hand at multiple aspects of the industry and see if you have any hidden talents. I discovered I know nothing about styling, unless its all black and edgy, or hair and makeup so I leave that to the professionals. 



You get to use old and new forms of the medium from vintage large format and film cameras to Phase One’s. You can use straight photography or up the ante with retouching in nonexistent elements into the scene. Fashion photography allows you so much room for creativity. Your imagination is the limit. 

I don't think of myself as a people person. I'm cool with people I know but I like to spend a lot of time by myself even though I wish I was more outgoing. But when I'm shooting I turn into this bubbly being and interact with everyone. Photography gives me an alter ego that I use to “fake it till I make it” during shoots. 


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