Blogger’s Guide to Posing: 3 Go-To Poses for Style Posts

As someone that loves being behind the camera more so than in front of it, I understand the anxiety of not knowing how to pose in front of the camera. I constantly get asked by my subjects how to pose and what to do with their arms or their face. As soon as the lens cap comes off people clam up and turn into these tense robots. As a photographer, it's my job to put you at ease and show you how to look like a personable human being via photograph. So if you’re struggling with how to pose like the big whig style bloggers out there I’m going to show you my not-so-secret 3 go-to poses that never fail.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

The “Look Away”

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

One of the top go-to poses for bloggers is the famous “look away” pose. This is where you act as if everywhere and everything else but the camera is much more interesting. Maybe you saw one of your friends at that exact moment or the sound of an ice cream truck caught your attention. No one knows.  Be as disinterested in the camera as possible. Try laughing and looking away from the camera for an upbeat image or striking up all your attitude in one direction for a fierce pose.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

The Leg Cross

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

As a kid I was always annoyed at my mom for constantly telling me to cross my legs. Now that I work in the fashion blogger space, I find that it’s a go-to pose for bloggers. From a photographer’s point of view it gives the pose more visual interest because you are creating angles with your body and is more engaging than a pose of you standing face forward.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

The Hand on Hip

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

The hip must be the final resting place of the hand because I see bloggers, models and everyday people alike automatically navigating towards the token “hand on the hip” pose. Because of that reason it’s a great place to start when the camera’s shutter goes off and you have no idea what to do. You can also combine it with the “look away” and the “leg cross”.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

Shot by me for Her Modern Life.

When it comes to posing for photos you can study what other bloggers have done but at the end of the day do what is natural to you. Blogger photos are the intersection between candid and lifestyle photos. Often times the photos that were taken when you were fixing your hair or looking away from the camera and have your guard down are the best images.

If you need help with posing or want a photographer to help guide you to your best blog images, check out my blogger package here.